Green procurement as the focus of the ACCESS webinar series’ 3rd episode
Halfway through the ACCESS webinar series, after the first two successfully delivered episodes on communication and reporting and environmental assessments, the third webinar will be looking at green procurement and supply chains in sports, on 15 January 2024 at 11.00 (CET).
A key to sustainable and responsible resource management can certainly go as far as preventing unsustainable and environmentally intensive products to be produced in the first place. Many such solutions exist, all revolving around choices, commitments and strive for procuring and sourcing innovative and less environmentally harmful products. Furthermore, green procurement and responsible sourcing can easily be considered as something that can easily turn into a trend once a critical mass is created and the demand for sustainable products and services overtakes the demand for conventional and more harmful ones. A great principle to create impact and change processes and production pattern for better and for good.
The question this episode will try to answer is how to apply all these to sports. This training module will look at the basics of green procurement, available tools and approaches, as well as all the added values not only for the environment but also local economy, employment and circular economy in the first place. The speakers will also reflect at recent innovations and more importantly how to adapt green procurement to the needs of sport organisations. Labels and certifications are another topic this module would cover as procedures which precede the labelling and certification eliminate a lot of products which do not meet necessary environmental criteria. Finally, some case studies would be presented, too in order to complete the webinar with empirical experiences, too.
The speakers who will contribute to this 3rd episode of the webinar series will be, according to the agenda:
11.00 – 11.10: Welcome and introduction to the webinar series by the host, Ernest Kovacs, ACR+
11.10 – 11.25: Introduction to the principles and theory behind green procurement; Joan Prummel, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (TBC)
11.30 – 11.45: How to reduce environmental impact by adopting environmental criteria in purchases and procurement; Niccolo Todaro, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
11.45 – 12.00: Green procurement step by step: challenges and enabling trainings and tools to succeed; Nuria Cases, ACR+
12.05 – 12.20: Carbon Neutral Cardiff; John Paxton, Cardiff City Council
12.30 – 12.45: Green procurement in practice: Cycling World Championship, Glasgow 2023; Mervyn Jones, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management
12.50 – 13.00: Discussion