This page contains all the capacity building material in form of presentations, accompanying reading material and training material that was used for the 3 training modules essential for the ACCESS project’s workplan and objectives. It also displays the recordings of the five webinars addressing the five focus areas for improvements identified by the project partners.

While the training material can help the readers understand the methodology and approaches used for the workplan, the webinars boast in knowledge, skills and plethora of good practices that can be very inspiring.

As the first episode of the ACCESS project’s webinar series, this particular webinar wanted to reflect on the advantages, trends, tendencies and finding the appropriate audience when it comes to communicating sustainability. Furthermore, putting the achievements and milestones into qualitative and quantitative reports was discussed, as a way to ensure continuous engagement in environmental improvements and being able to monitor them.

Speakers included journalists, practitioners, campaigners and academics, namely:

  • Sudhanshu Verma, REVOLVE Media
  • Nora Annesi, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
  • Thom Rawson, Sustainable Football and Wolverhampton Wanderers’ “One Pack, One Planet”
  • Katie Cross, Pledgeball

Qualitative or quantitative, data or observation based, many environmental assessment approaches, tools and techniques exist out there for understing the environmental impact of sports – something that served as a perfect occasion to compare, discuss and understand their application in practice during the webinar. To help with that, the webinar gathered speakers, both practitioners and academics who are standing behind some of the recently developed tools and methodologies or who have been successfully developing and improving the theory of environmental assessment and translating it into tangible and purposeful processes in sports.

Speakers included:

  • Lucie Segalas, Surfrider Foundation Europe
  • Federico Merlo, Ergo srl
  • Alessio Novi, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
  • Matteo Donelli, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

A key to sustainable and responsible resource management can certainly go as far as preventing unsustainable and environmentally intensive products to be produced in the first place. Many such solutions exist, all revolving around choices, commitments and strive for procuring and sourcing innovative and less environmentally harmful products. Furthermore, green procurement and responsible sourcing can easily be considered as something that can easily turn into a trend once a critical mass is created and the demand for sustainable products and services overtakes the demand for conventional and more harmful ones. A great principle to create impact and change processes and production pattern for better and for good.

Speakers included:

  • Mervyn Jones, Dutch ministry of Water and Infrastructure
  • Niccolo Todaro, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
  • Nuria Cases i Sampere, ACR+
  • John Paxton, Cardiff City Council

Although not a usual suspect when it comes to environmental management, this module wanted to look at the negative impacts sports make on flora and fauna through highlighting the dangers, showcasing solutions and features that would allow the natural environment to remain unharmed and strive alongside occurrences in sports.

Speakers included journalists, practitioners, campaigners and academics, namely:

  • Jana Janotova and Loredana Scuto, IUCN
  • Alessio Novi, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
  • Míde Ní Shúilleabháin, GAA
  • Barry Nolan, Wildlife management Services

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